Page 3 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 3


        board of parks                             master plan                        consultant

        and recreation                             steering                           team members

        commissioners                              committee

        Beth Haden                                 Chris Cotten                       Brian Sturm
        President                                  Director                           Landworks Studio

        Stephenie K. Smith                         Brad Clay                          Christina Hoxie
        Commissioner                               Deputy Director                    Hoxie Collective

        Pat Contreras                              Richard Allen                      Jason Morado
        Commissioner                               Deputy Director                    ETC Institute

        Tom Gorenc                                 Lisa Treese                        Kerry Newman
        Commissioner                               Park Planner                       SFS Architecture

        DePrice Taylor                             Kevin Evans                        Darin Barr
        Commissioner                               Park Superintendent                Ballard*King & Associates

        Jack Holland                               Colby Biswell
        Former President                           Facilities Superintendent

        Alejandra Perez-Rico                       Jennifer Jutte
        Former Commissioner                        Recreation Superintendent

        Karmen Houston                             Stephen van Rhein
        Secretary                                  Environmental Manager

                                                   Terrence Williams
                                                   Financial Analyst

                                                   Ryan Droege
                                                   Administrative Officer

                                                   Diane Binckley
                                                   City Planning & Development

                                                   Edwina Jones
                                                   Civil Rights & Equal Opportunity

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