Page 3 - Winter_Spring_Activities_Guide25
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           The heart of our neighborhoods beats in our community
           centers.  KCMO Parks & Recreation operates ten unique
           centers throughout the city that provide a wide array of
           activities, services and events for all ages.

          YOUTH  (Ages 17 and under )
          Facility:  Free

          Facility Pass:  $5/day
          All Access Pass: $30/month, $300/annual
          Group (2 or more): $30 for initial membership,
          $10 off for each additional membership, must be members
          of the same household.

          SENIOR (60+)
          Facility Pass:  $3/day
          All Access Pass: $20/month, $200/annual
          Group (2 or more): $20 for initial membership,
          $10 off for each additional membership, must be members
          of the same household.

                              LOCATION GUIDE
               BRW           Bruce R. Watkins
                             Cultural Heritage Center
               CHS           Central High School
               CLOTW         Camp Lake of the Woods
               GCC           Garrison Community Center
               GKCC          Gregg/ Klice Community Center
               HCCC          Hillcrest Community Center
               KCNCC         Kansas City North Community Center
               LCCC          Line Creek Community Center
               LNC           Lakeside Nature Center
               MCC           Marlborough Community Center
               MWNCC         Mary Williams-Neal
                             Community Center
               PV            Pleasant Valley Park Athletic Complex
               SCLHM         Shoal Creek Living History Museum
               SECC          Southeast Community Center
               TACC          Tony Aguirre Community Center
               WRCC          Westport Roanoke Community Center

                    The KCMO Parks &Recreation Department
                    facilities and programs are available to people of
                    all abilities.  If accommodations or individualized
                    supports are needed to participate, please
                    contact Taryn Andersen at (816) 513-7624.
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