Page 7 - Winter-Spring Activities Guide 24
P. 7

Equipment Information Tour
     This program provides information on how to use the
     facilities exercise equipment and answer any
     question members may have regarding the
     equipment and how it should be properly used.
     AGE       FEE           LOCATION
     18+       FREE          HCCC
     DAY       DATE          TIME
     F         1/26          1 - 2 p.m.                      Sweetheart Skate
                                                             Come out to our annual Sweetheart skate on
     F         2/2           9:30 - 10:30 a.m.               February 13  and enjoy a romantic skate with that
                                                             special someone. 2 for 1 admission for couples.
                                                             $8 admission, $2 skate rental. 2 for 1 admission for
                                                             ACTIVITY CODE:       244504136
     Sports Jersey Skate                                     AGE      FEE            LOCATION
     Come out and skate while supporting your favorite       All      $8             LCCC
     sports team! $5 admission with jersey, $8 regular       DAY      DATE           TIME
     admission without, $2 skate rental.
                                                             T        2/13           7 - 8:30 p.m.
     ACTIVITY CODE:        244504145
     AGE       FEE           LOCATION

     All       $5            LCCC                                  Try Hockey for FREE
     DAY       DATE          TIME
     Sa        2/3           2:45 - 4:45 p.m.                 Great opportunity
                                                              for kids aged
                                                              4 - 13 years old to
                                                              try hockey for the
                                                              first time and
                                                              free of charge.

     Valentine’s Day Paint and Punch
     Come release your inner Picasso for Valentine’s Day.
     Paint and punch for seniors will be a fun event to
     socialize with others and paint away. Light snacks will
     be provided!
                                                             ACTIVITY CODE:       244504133
     ACTIVITY CODE:        241501101                         AGE       FEE           LOCATION
     AGE       FEE           LOCATION                        4 - 13    FREE          LCCC
     All       $15           MWNCC                           DAY       DATE          TIME
     DAY       DATE          TIME                            Sa        2/24          10 a.m. - Noon
     F         2/9           1 - 3 p.m.

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