Page 12 - Summer-Activities-Guide-24
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Kids School Out Fun Day
                                                             K - 8  graders will participate in a variety of activities.
                                                             The purpose of this is to teach good competition

                                                             while having fun through challenging games and
                                                             having quality social time. Frisbee, dodgeball, hula
                                                             hoop, bowling, and refreshments will be provided.
                                                             ACTI  VITY CODE:     242507125
                                                             GRADE            FEE            LOCATION
                                                             K - 8th          Free           GCC
                                                             DAY              DATE           TIME
                                                             F                5/31           6 - 8 p.m.
                                                             Kansas City International Dragon Boat

     Garment District Grooves: May                           Festival
     Grab some lunch and listen to live bands in this quaint   Brush Creek on the Country Club Plaza will be
     downtown park! Third Wednesday of the month             packed with people and dragons for the annual
     through October. #AFoodTruckAndABand                    Kansas City Dragon Boat Festival. The boats enter
                                                             the water for practice at 8 a.m. and festivities begin at
     AGE       FEE           LOCATION                        9:45 am. as drum rollers and dragons march along
     All       Free          Garment District                the banks of Brush Creek to kick-off a day of racing.

     DAY       DATE          TIME                            The festival is hosted by Kansas City-Xi’an Sister City
     W         5/15          11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.             Committee and the Society for Friendship with China
     W         6/19          11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.             in partnership with Kansas City Parks and
     W         7/17          11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
                                                             AGE      FEE            LOCATION
     W         7/21          11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
                                                             All      Free           Brush Creek
                                                             DAY      DATE           TIME
     Celebrating Urban Birds                                 Sa       6/15           9:45 a.m.
     Visitors participate in scheduled hike. Inside the      Make Music Kansas City
     center, info tables give information about the 15       Join us for Make Music Kansas City! A live, free
     species of interest to Cornell. People will be          musical celebration on June 21st, the longest day of
     encouraged to participate in Cornell Lab of             the year, with concerts on streets, sidewalks, venues
     Ornathology Citizen Science Survey.  There will also    and parks across the city. Launched in 1982 in
     be arts and crafts activities and display tables.       France as the Fête de la Musique, it is now held on

     AGE                   FEE                               the same day in more than 1,000 cities in 120
     All                   Free
     DAY       DATES          TIME             LOCATION      AGE       FEE           LOCATION
     S         5/18           10 a.m. - 2 p.m.  LNC          All       Free          Metro-wide
                                                             DAY       DATE          TIME
                                                             F         6/21          11 a.m.
     Sneaker Ball                                            Community Pool Party
     Lets kick off the summer with dancing and music!
     Sneakers are a must! Causal or glam attire is all       Celebrate the Grand Reopening of the Southeast
     welcome! Lets see who is Best Dressed!                  Community Center Pool.  Come enjoy live music,
                                                             family activities, snacks, and lots of fun.
     ACTIVITY CODE:        242501109                         ACTIVITY CODE:       242511101
     AGE       FEE           LOCATION                        AGE      FEE            LOCATION
     5 - 13    $15           MWNCC                           All      Free           SECC
     DAY       DATE          TIME                            DAY      DATE           TIME
     F         5/31          6 - 8 p.m.                      Sa       6/8            10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

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