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               Dear Friends of Parks and Recreation,

               2018 was a monumental year. Personally, as it was my last as an employee of Kansas City Parks
               and Recreation. And professionally, as our department continued to open new amenities and provide
               enhanced programs, events and initiatives for residents and visitors alike.
               Reflecting on my career, I can honestly say that I enjoyed every minute of the 44 years and 7 months of
               service to the department and to the citizens of Kansas City, Missouri.
               As I prepared for my retirement, several folks asked me, ”What is the most important asset the
               department has?” My answer is, “the staff.”  Their typical follow-up question was, ”What will I miss the
               most?” Same response, “the staff.”
               I want to thank every one of the faithful KC Parks employees for the good work that they do, day in and
               day out, to make Kansas City a great city in which to live, work and play.
               I am most proud of the staff that launched their careers at KC Parks.
               Many have gone on to serve as parks directors in other cities and a few as
               department directors right here in KC. One such individual is Teresa Rynard
               who began her career at Kansas City Parks and Recreation in 1987. I was
               lucky enough to hire her back as deputy director in 2013 with the intention
               that she would take the reins upon my retirement. I am proud of her
               accomplishments and wish her the best as director of the department.
               I also want to thank the hardworking volunteers that comprise the Board
               of Parks and Recreation Commissioners. I had the privilege of working
               with 32 Board members during my tenure. Their devotion to preserving
               the integrity of our system while continuing to evolve is unwavering and
               for that, I am grateful.
               It doesn’t take long to realize that KC Parks is a family. We celebrate
               together, we mourn together, we work together, and we play together.  In
               2018, we had our share of it all. Thank you for all the terrific memories and
               all the joy KC Parks has brought to my life. It was a Great Ride!

                   Mark L. McHenry, KC Parks Director (2003-2018)
                   Kansas City, MO Parks and Recreation

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