Page 141 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 141
Between March, and May of 2023, the consultant CLARITY OF SIGNAGE
team visited and assessed all 220 parks, 1 being a park without any signage identifying it as
greenways, and athletic complexes owned a KC Park, versus 5 a park utilizing new signage
and maintained by the Kansas City, Missouri clearly identifying it as a KC Park.
Department of Parks and Recreation. Those visits
included taking photos of each property, creating REDUCTION OF WEATHER IMPACTS
an inventory of amenities, and evaluating each 1 being a park which provides no structures, natural
park based on the questionnaire detailed in the shade, or protection from the wind, rain, and
following pages. sun, versus 5 being a park which offers an easily
accessible covered structure, shaded playground
The assessment was based on four criteria: equipment or bleachers, or numerous shade trees
accessibility, comfort and character, usability, and providing complete coverage and protection from
amenities. Those criteria were further broken the elements
down into 20 measurements of success, each
worth 5 points. The assessment produced a total ADA COMPLIANCE
score between 20 and 100 points and a rating of 1 being a park that offers no accessible routes
either poor (0-24 points), fair 25-49 points), good between the public right-of-way and the amenities,
(50-74 points), or excellent (75-100 points). versus 5 being a park that offers clear ADA-
compliant routes to and between all amenities.
Where warranted, the team then made
recommendations for park improvements based OVERALL ATTRACTIVENESS
on a variety of data. That data included these park 1 being a park which is perceived to be uninviting,
assessments, previous park planning efforts, park unsafe, abandoned, and dilapidated, versus 5
level of service analysis, and feedback gathered being a park which is perceived to be inviting, safe,
through community engagement. and impeccably well-maintained.
1 being a park distinguished by dirty or damaged
EASE IN WALKING TO THE PARK structures, pavements, and site furnishings;
1 being a park with poor access to and from damaged and unmaintained landscaping; plainly
adjacent streets or neighborhoods due to lack of visible bait stations or traps, and the presence
sidewalks, shade trees, or limited street crossings, of litter, versus 5 being a park which features
versus 5 being a park that is fully accessible impeccably maintained structures, pavements,
via shaded sidewalks with pedestrian street and furnishings; healthy landscaping; and no litter.
crossings, an interconnected park sidewalk
system, and multiple street frontages. VISIBILITY OF ENTRANCES AND USE AREAS
1 being a park with poor visibility to the main