Page 142 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 142
entrance(s) from surrounding streets and having major
zones of activity which are difficult to find, versus 5 a PAVEMENTS
park which offers clear lines of sight to all entrances and 1 being a park with damaged or decaying parking lot and
major areas of use and activity which are easy to find and sidewalk pavements versus 5 being a park with well-
access from surrounding streets and neighborhoods. maintained paved surfaces appropriately designed to
serve the park and its users
1 being a park which offers no seating or that which is LANDSCAPING
uninviting, dirty or damaged, versus 5 being a park which 1 being a park with unhealthy and poorly maintained
provides inviting, tidy, and attractive seating options. landscaping, invasive exotic plant communities, and a
heavy demand for traditional mowing and maintenance,
FEELING OF SAFETY versus 5 being a park marked by attractive landscaping
1 being a park which induces the feeling of danger due and/or healthy native plant communities, that can be
to poor visibility, limited access, tall and opaque fences, cared for through efficient and sustainable management
and unmaintained spaces, versus 5 being a park that practices.
evokes feelings of safety through the promotion of “eyes
on the park,” well-positioned access points, low and STORMWATER QUALITY & MANAGEMENT
transparent fencing, and well-maintained spaces. 1 being a park that features areas of unmitigated erosion
and sedimentation, brackish pond water, evidence of
AMBIENT NOISE flash flooding, and persistent puddles in low lying areas,
1 being a park with average decibel levels at or above versus 5 being a park that features properly designed
100dB (based on a minimum of three (3) separate and maintained stormwater quality BMPs, healthy
readings across the park), versus 5 being a park with aquatic environments, and no signs of erosion or flash
average decible readings at or below 40dB flooding.
1 being a park marked by strong perceptible negative FURNISHINGS
odors that make spending time in the park uncomfortable 1 being a park with damaged, dirty, or dilapidated
versus 5 being a park with no noticeable negative odors. playground, athletic equipment, or site furnishings,
versus 5 being a park with clean, attractive, and well-
EXISTING OPPORTUNITIES maintained equipment and furnishings. Parks with none
1 being a single-use park that can currently be used receive a 3.
only under specific weather conditions or for specific
recreational pursuits, versus 5 being a park that currently PARK STRUCTURES
offers activities for a variety of users throughout the year. 1 being a park with restrooms, shelters, walls, or fences
in obvious visual need of repair, versus 5 being a park
APPROPRIATE PARK ACTIVITY with structures, walls, and fences that appear well-
1 being a park that shows evidence of limited use or maintained and in good condition. Parks with none
unintended or illicit uses such as encampments, drug receive a 3.
use, or vandalism, verses 5 being a park that shows
evidence of attracting its intended use LIGHTING
1 being a park which features outdated and poorly
OPPORTUNITIES FOR REVENUE functioning lighting, or lighting levels inappropriate
1 being a park which offers no existing or potential for intended park use, versus 5 being a park which
opportunities to generate revenue either due to features an appropriate amount of well-functioning and
poor location or appearance or lack of recreational sustainable LED lighting fixtures shielded to prevent
programming, rentable shelters, or space for special glare and light trespass on adjacent properties and up
events, versus 5 being a park which offers high potential into the night sky. Parks with none receive a 3.
for revenue generation through its location, appearance,
or recreational programming, space, and event offerings.