Page 155 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 155




          SITE LOCATION:  N.E. 116th St. & N. Stark Ave.       STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, & OPPORTUNITIES

        CLASSIFICATION:                Park            North Hampton Park preserves over 40 acres of riparian corridor in
        COUNCIL DISTRICT:                    1         the Fishing River watershed between subdivisions north of N.E. 112th

        PARK DISTRICT:                                 Street.  A portion of the parkland features  new playground equipment
                                                       with a nature theme. The new equipment and associated sidewalk
        ESTABLISHED:             1990                  have proven to be popular new amenities.  As adjacent rural parcels
        ACREAGE:            42.40 acres                transition to residential development, the city could aim to acquire more
                                                       land in this corridor to create  a proper greenway that connects with
                                                       the nearby Fishing River greenway.  In the meantime, opportunities for
        PARK AMENITIES                                 improvement include:
                                                       •   Adding a picnic shelter, seating, and grill
        •  Benches (1)                                 •   New and updated signage
        •  Old Park Sign  (1)
        •  Playground (1)
        •  Stream/Creek (1)
        •  Trash Receptacles (1)

                                              PARK ASSESSMENT RATING

                                              RATING KEY:  0-24 ACCEPTABLE;  25-49 POOR;  50-74 GOOD;  75-100 EXCELLENT

                                                  UNACCEPTABLE           POOR           GOOD      ✓    EXCELLENT



                                                   Accessibility-14            Amenities-22       TOTAL SCORE


   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160