Page 215 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 215



          SITE LOCATION:  E. 38th St. & Arlington Ave.    STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, & OPPORTUNITIES

        CLASSIFICATION:                Park            Fairview Park is a primarily natural area with a park sign.  It is located
        COUNCIL DISTRICT:                    3         adjacent to single-family residential and industrial land uses, and

        PARK DISTRICT:                                 Pitcher Elementary School.  All areas of access were overgrown with a
                                                       lot of litter except where 38th street dead-ends.  Citizens have indicated
        ESTABLISHED:             1982                  that there are multiple encampments deep in the park property.  This
        ACREAGE:            9.6 acres                  park is in a accessible area and has potential to be a valuable asset to
                                                       the system.  Opportunities for improvement include:
                                                       •   Regularly scheduled patrolling and maintenance with management
        PARK AMENITIES                                     of invasive species
                                                       •   A master plan process could be completed for Fairview Park to
        •  Old Park Sign (1)                               determine the best uses for the space
        •  Stream / Creek (1)

                                              PARK ASSESSMENT RATING

                                              RATING KEY:  0-24 ACCEPTABLE;  25-49 POOR;  50-74 GOOD;  75-100 EXCELLENT
                                                  UNACCEPTABLE  ✓        POOR           GOOD           EXCELLENT

                                                                    Usability-3              Comfort/Character-16

                                                    Accessibility-7            Amenities-16       TOTAL SCORE


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