Page 211 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 211



          SITE LOCATION:  2943 Elmwood Ave.               STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, & OPPORTUNITIES

        CLASSIFICATION:                Park            Located in the South Round Top neighborhood, Cypress park is
        COUNCIL DISTRICT:                    3         located on 5 acres sandwiched ebtween E. 30th Street and Interstate

        PARK DISTRICT:            QLID                 70.  It features notable sculptures by the late Dale Eldred, as well as a
                                                       playground and basketball court.  While the park is well-mantained,
        ESTABLISHED:            1967                   it lacks basic amenities such as shade and sidewalk connections

        ACREAGE:            5.19 Acres                 between its amenities.  Opportunities for improvement include:
                                                       •   Shade trees
                                                       •   Picnic shelter and seating
        PARK AMENITIES                                 •   Sidewalks connecting park amenities
                                                       •   Updated playground with inclusive features
        •  Basketball Courts(1)                        •   Resurfaced basketball court
        •  Benches (2)                                 •   New KC Parks signage
        •  Grills (1)                                  •   Interpretive signage telling the story of this neighbborhood prior to
        •  Old Park Sign  (1)                              I-70 construction
        •  Picnic Tables (4)
        •  Playground (1)                     PARK ASSESSMENT RATING
        •  Public Art  (1)
        •  Trash Receptacles (1)
                                              RATING KEY:  0-24 ACCEPTABLE;  25-49 POOR;  50-74 GOOD;  75-100 EXCELLENT
                                                  UNACCEPTABLE           POOR           GOOD           EXCELLENT



                                                   Accessibility-10            Amenities-17       TOTAL SCORE


   206   207   208   209   210   211   212   213   214   215   216