Page 206 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 206




          SITE LOCATION:  Brookside Blvd. to Blue River    STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, & OPPORTUNITIES

        CLASSIFICATION:                Greenway        Brush Creek Greenway Park is a linear park that runs west to east  and
        COUNCIL DISTRICT:                    4         ultimately into the Blue River. Adjacent land uses include single and multi-

        PARK DISTRICT:                                 family residential, commercial/retail, civic/institutional and industrial.  This
                                                       park is easy to walk to from adjacent streets and neighborhoods, the
        ESTABLISHED:             1917                  pavements are in average condition, and features an appropriate amount of
        ACREAGE:            285.85 acres               lighting. Brush Creek Greenway doesn’t have any signage identifying it as
                                                       a KC Park, exhibits strong perceptible negative odors, and shows evidence
                                                       of vandalism and encampments.  The Lake of the Enshriners area displays
        PARK AMENITIES                                 a lot of sedimentation, stagnant water, and erosion.  Opportunities for
                                                       improvement include:
        •  Benches (40)                                •   Increased regular maintenance
        •  Boat Access (7)                             •   Removing invasive species
        •  Bridge (1)                                  •   installing updated park and wayfinding signage
        •  Fountain (2)                                •   Remove the sediment build-up and include the addition of an aeration
        •  Landmark (1)                                •   system/structure.
                                                           Improve ADA accessibility throughout park
        •  Multi-Use Trail (2)
        •  Pedestrian Lighting  (202)         PARK ASSESSMENT RATING
        •  Picnic Tables (1)                  RATING KEY:  0-24 ACCEPTABLE;  25-49 POOR;  50-74 GOOD;  75-100 EXCELLENT
        •  Public Art  (1)
        •  Rain Garden (1)                        UNACCEPTABLE  ✓        POOR           GOOD           EXCELLENT
        •  Regulatory Sign (14)
        •  Shade Structures  (2)
        •  Stream/Creek (1)
        •  Trash Receptacles (4)

                                                                    Usability-5              Comfort/Character-17

                                                   Accessibility-10            Amenities-17       TOTAL SCORE


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