Page 209 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 209



          SITE LOCATION:  E. 43rd St. & Cleveland Ave.    STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, & OPPORTUNITIES

        CLASSIFICATION:               Athletic Complex  This athletic complex sits on the northeast corner of E. 43rd Street and
        COUNCIL DISTRICT:                    3         Cleveland  Avenue and  features four ball diamonds  and associated

        PARK DISTRICT:            QLID                 appurtenances.  It also preserves 15 acres of woodland in the Blue
                                                       River watershed.   The park is adjacent to multiple schools and homes
        ESTABLISHED:            1956                   in the heart of the Vineyard neighborhood.    The parking lots are in good

        ACREAGE:          29.04 Acres                  condition as are the sidewalks leading up to the ball diamonds.  Much
                                                       of the amenities at this park are within the secured fences of the ball
                                                       diamonds.   There is a playground and basketball court on the east side
        PARK AMENITIES                                 of the park on Jackson Avenue.  Possible opportunities for improvement
        •  Basketball Court (1)                        •   Providing a shelter and picnic tables on Jackson Avenue
        •  Bench (1)                                   •   Providing a sidewalk on the east side of Cleveland Avenue
        •  Bleachers/Grandstands (12)                  •   Renovating the playground
        •  Concession Stands (1)                       •   Repairing the pavement within the ballfield complex
        •  Diamond Fields (4)
        •  Dugouts (8)                        PARK ASSESSMENT RATING
        •  Old Park Sign  (1)
        •  Parking Lighting (4)               RATING KEY:  0-24 ACCEPTABLE;  25-49 POOR;  50-74 GOOD;  75-100 EXCELLENT
        •  Parking Lot (2)
        •  Picnic Tables (8)                      UNACCEPTABLE           POOR       ✓   GOOD           EXCELLENT
        •  Playground (2)
        •  Regulatory Sign (2)
        •  Scoreboard (4)
        •  Sports Lighting (75)
        •  Trash Receptacles (4)                                                             Comfort/Character-20

                                                   Accessibility-10            Amenities-18       TOTAL SCORE


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