Page 237 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 237




          SITE LOCATION:  3700 Kensington Ave.          STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, & OPPORTUNITIES

        CLASSIFICATION:                Park            Located in the Knoches Park neighborhood, this park is next to single
                                                       and multi-family residential and commercial land uses.  The park offers
        COUNCIL DISTRICT:                    3
                                                       clear ADA-accessible sidewalks and a playground with accessible
        PARK DISTRICT:                                 playground equipment.  This park offers several active amenities
        ESTABLISHED:             1949                  with multiple basketball surfaces, tennis courts, and a spray ground.
                                                       This park  is attractive,  well-maintained,  and offers  a strong sense  of
        ACREAGE:            11.23 acres                safety with clear lines of sight to all activity areas.  Opportunities for
                                                       improvement include:
                                                       •   This park would benefit from an outdoor exercise area near the
        PARK AMENITIES                                     new playground and a small rentable shelter with picnic tables and

        •  Basketball Courts (2)                           a grill west of the splash pad
        •  Benches (9)                                 •   A perimeter loop trail around the outside of the park would
                                                           promote usability and create more diverse recreation opportunities
        •  Bleachers/Grandstands (2)                       throughout the park
        •  Diamond Fields (1)                          •   More landscaping would help to enhance the park and improve
        •  Drinking Fountain (1)                           drainage
        •  Grills (1)
        •  Old Park Sign  (1)                 PARK ASSESSMENT RATING
        •  Pedestrian Lighting  (2)           RATING KEY:  0-24 ACCEPTABLE;  25-49 POOR;  50-74 GOOD;  75-100 EXCELLENT
        •  Picnic Shelter (1)
        •  Picnic Tables (6)                      UNACCEPTABLE           POOR           GOOD      ✓    EXCELLENT
        •  Playground (2)
        •  Regulatory Sign (3)
        •  Splash Pad (1)
        •  Tennis Courts (2)
        •  Trash Receptacles (7)                                                            Comfort/Character-32

                                                   Accessibility-18            Amenities-21       TOTAL SCORE


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