Page 64 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 64

        RECREA                  TION             &     OPEN               SP      A    CE


              Partnerships with local community organizations   (KCDG) and Urban Trail Co (UTC).  KCDG helps
              are the hallmark of a strong parks and recreation   to maintain 5 disc golf courses across the city at
              agency.  No agency or department can do it        Waterworks, Swope,  Hidden Valley, Blue Valley,
              all by themselves, nor should they.  Creating     and Kessler Parks.  While UTC works to maintain
              partnerships with recreation specialty groups     mountain biking and hiking trail systems at 4
              allows a department to diversify its program      parks: Hidden Valley, Hodge, Kessler, and Swope
              offerings while also building deeper relationships   Park .  Anyone who has mountain biked the trails
              with the recreation community.  Typically,        at Swope Park or played the 18 holes at Water
              departments choose to enter into partnerships     Works Park knows how popular these two sports
              through multiple agreement types: they hire       are with adults across KC and the metro.
              programmers on contract to run programming
              on  park property; they work with other           YOUTH SPORTS
              community organizations to run programming
              off park property; they may rent their facilities   Traditional youth field sports (soccer, football,
              to a programmer and let them run their own        baseball) are all very popular in the metro and the
              programs on park property; or they may work       department relies heavily on outside partners to
              with organizations to develop unique facilities on   facilitate this programming.  This programming is
              park property.  This section of the report briefly   somewhat distributed throughout the geography
              summarizes the partnerships this department is    of the city, though many more opportunities
              actively cultivating.                             abound in the Northland at the large regional
                                                                parks Mark McHenry, Tiffany Hills, and Hodge.
              ADULT SPORTS

              Based on the information made available by        TakeAways
              the department,  KCMO Parks and Recreation        The list on page 59 includes several major
              has multiple partnerships with local athletic     partnerships that help to augment the
              organizations to run adult sports programming     recreation and programming opportunities in
              on park property.  The table on page 59 lists the   this department.  This list focuses on significant
              active recreation partners of the department.     partnerships that are defining the KC’s park
              There are no fewer than 3 organizations that offer   usage.  This suggests broad gaps in partnerships
              adult kickball and two that offer adult softball.  KC   that could more equitably serve the population
              Crew is an organization that has found a niche    of the city.  It is good to see that the ball diamonds
              running adult sports of all types throughout      and fields at Tiffany Hills and Penn Valley Park
              locations in the metro.  The team was not able to   are busy, but not the fields at Cleveland Park or
              get a detailed list of all the programs the KC Crew   Blue Valley Park or the many other community
              facilitates on KCMO property.  It is notable that   parks in Council Districts 3 and 5. There are
              nearly all these adult sports activities take place  in   not the community organizers ready to help
              just two parks: Penn Valley and Gillham.  However,   activate these parks in the heart of the city.    Such
              other notable partnerships that were not listed   partnerships could help revitalize these indoor
              in the material provided by the department        spaces.
              are those with the Kansas City Disc Golf Club

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