Page 61 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 61

Figure 4.10: Southeast Community Center

              deck, leaving traces of mud in the pool.  Brush   Kansas City, though primarily more in the central
              Creek, which scored a 74, is nearing 50 years in   part of town.  There are only 2  in the Northland:
              age, but is largely still in great shape.  The exterior   Line Creek in Council District #2 and Kansas
              masonry and EIFS (exterior insulation finishing   City North in District #4.  There has long been a
              system) need cleaning, the roof has leaks and the   demand for an additional community center in the
              window finish is failing.  This center, like Line Creek   Northland.  The need is now highlighted by the
              in the Northland, features an exterior pool that is   newly drawn District #1 having no indoor facilities
              inoperable, an issue being addressed in greater   of any type serving its residents.  The others in
              detail in the forthcoming Aquatics Master Plan.    District #4 south of the river are Garrison, Tony
              Both Garrison and Kansas City North are plagued   Aguirre, and Westport-Roanoke.   Those located
              by issues seen in older buildings that have seen   in Council District #3 are Gregg/Klice and Brush
              multiple renovations or expansions: disorganized   Creek.  Southeast, Marlborough, and Hillcrest
              space.  Garrison could benefit from some          Community Centers are located in Council
              reorganization of the rooms in the original gym to   District #5.  Hillcrest is the one located furthest
              maximize efficiency.  Kansas City North features   south.  There are no community centers located
              a labyrinthine flow of narrow corridors between   in the newly drawn Council District #6.
              spaces which restrict views from the central desk
              and entryway.  Finding a way to strengthen the    District Offices
              connections between  the amenity areas and the
              central desk would make this space inviting and   The team toured and assessed 5 district office
              user friendly.  Both of these centers also deal with   facilities: the North, Central, South, and QLID
              moisture penetration in basement walls which      District Offices, as well as the Terry R. Dopson
              damages carpet or casework and hinders their      Parks and Recreation Administration Building.
              use and revenue generation.                       These facilities serve as the home bases for all
                                                                the department’s operations and maintenance,
              The 10 community centers are dispersed across     planning, design, and administration staff.   They

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