Page 59 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 59

conducting an assessment which would result       bunch were Southeast at 82, followed closely by
              in a score of 0-100 points for each structure.  Due   Gregg/Klice at 80.  Southeast happens to be the
              to the difference in the functions between these   newest community enter, built in 2008.  Gregg/
              3 facility categories, the team ultimately created   Klice is over 25 years old, but resides on the
              3 different assessment tools.  This section of    edge of The Parade and next to the KC Urban
              the report will explain those different methods   Youth Academy which was a major public private
              employed and the findings uncovered for each of   partnership constructed in 2017.  Coincidentally
              the 3 facility categories.                        the lowest scoring were Garrison at 66 and North
                                                                Kansas City at  67.  These happen to be the two
              Community centers                                 oldest community centers with Garrison originally

                                                                built in 1913 and Kansas City North built in 1955.  All
              The conditions assessment for Community           6 other centers had scores ranging between 72
              Centers  involved the asking and answering of     and 78.
              19 questions at each property, across 4 broad
              criteria listed here to the left:  Accessibility   Overall, the consultant team found each of these
              (4 questions worth 20 points), Comfort and        structures to be extremely well built and unique
              Character (6 questions worth 30 points),          assets to the department.  As a whole, these
              Financial Viability (1 question worth 10 points),   structures exhibit sound and durable exterior
              and Conditions (8 questions worth 40 points).   As   materials and finishes.  In all cases the buildings
              was the case with parks, any facility scoring 25 or   have interior finishes which are holding up well.
              fewer points would be deemed “Unacceptable.”      Many of the centers, such as Marlborough, Brush
              Facilities scoring between 26 and 50 were “Poor;   Creek, KC North, Line Creek and  Westport-
              ” 51 to 75 was “Good;” and 76-100 points was      Roanoke are graced by murals or community art.
              “Excellent.”                                      Many of the community centers are remarkable
                                                                                     in their capacity to use
                                                                                     natural light through
                                                                                     solar orientation, glazing,
                                                                                     and use of clerestory
                                                                                     windows.  None of the
                                                                                     structures present ADA
                                                                                     or other concerning
                                                                                     code compliance
                                                                                     issues.  Furthermore,
                                                                                     the department has
                                                                                     allowed these centers to
                                                                                     develop their own unique
                                                                                     character and recreation
                                                                                     specialties over the many
                                                                                     decades.  Between these

                  Figure 4.8: Gregg/Klice Community Center                           buildings, you can conduct
                                                                                     programming for any
                                                                                     avocation from figure
                                                                                     skating to pottery and
              The 10 community centers scored on average        boxing to pickleball.  The only thing some of them
              74.9  out of 100 points.  The highest scoring in the   seemed to be missing were regular users.

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