Page 54 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 54

Figure 4.4: Cypress Park

              Greenway or Sherrydale Park could provide         appear to be closed to park uses and perhaps
              valuable connectivity between neighborhoods.      even sold or leased.  The latter, Eastwood Park,
              Investment in some of the older or lightly        is  one of the district’s natural parks or greenways.
              developed parks such as Clayton or Frank Vaydik   The majority of this district’s parks rest in that
              Park could boost the activity in these valuable   “Fair” category between 51 and 75 points and
              existing green spaces.                            provide a mix of both iconic and  blighted spaces
                                                                with problems such as litter, illegal dumping, and
              Council District #3                               vandalism.  They include park properties with
                                                                high visibility and occasional heavy use such
              The 48 park properties, totaling 1,057 acres,     as Satchel Paige Memorial Stadium (62), Brush
              located in Council District #3 featured an average   Creek Park (49) Blue Valley Park (59), Cypress
              score of 61.8 out of 100.  Despite scoring at a   Park (58), Lykins Square (67), and Van Brunt Park
              very similar level to the parks in District #2, the   (73).  With few exceptions, these parks serve
              make up of parks in Council District #3 is radically   existing nearby neighborhoods with a need for
              different from its Northland neighbor across the   vibrant green spaces.  In this district, maintenance
              river.   Almost all the park properties in this central   is not prioritized.  This area would benefit from
              portion of the city are developed and probably the   more money and focus towards upkeep.  Not all
              most urbanized of any district in Kansas City.  The   of these parks are going to receive the injection
              highest scoring park property in all of Kansas City,   of funding that The Parade did when it become
              The Parade, with a score of 94, can be found here.    the site of the MLB-financed Kansas City Urban
              Other notable high performing properties include   Youth Academy.  However, not all of these
              Independence Plaza, (84), Seven Oaks Park (83)    parks need that infusion of money.  There are
              and Dunbar Park (78).   The lowest performing     on-going master plan efforts that will propose
              properties in this district were Raytown Road     improvements to the Brush Creek Greenway
              Athletic Field (33), Belvidere Park (34), and     and  Blue Valley Park.  However, neighborhood
              Eastwood Park (35).  The former two properties    parks such as Chelsea, Harmony, Ivanhoe, Lykins,

   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59