Page 53 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
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Figure 4.3: Line Creek Greenway
bill are Essex, North Brook, and Quailridge Parks. as Big Shoal and Line Creek, scoring 75 and
The parks could provide additional connectivity 77, respectively. The highest scoring parks are
to residential neighborhoods that already examples of parks that do several things well,
benefit from sidewalks. If lightly developed, they be that walking trails, sport courts, playgrounds,
could provide residents with that connection or shelters. These parks serve their adjacent
to nature they seem to be asking for, without neighborhoods well , have no significant
adding significant maintenance burden to the maintenance challenges, and provide multiple
department . safe outdoor opportunities to local residents,
even if they do not attract folks from across the
Council District #2 metro like Penguin Park and Line Creek Park.
The 8 lowest scoring properties all scored below
The 31 park properties, totaling 1,160 acres, 50 and all of them are natural parks or greenways
located in Council District #2 featured an average nestled between single-family or multi-family
score of 61.2. The highest scoring properties residential developments. Many of these tracts
were the neighborhood parks San Raphael (89), such as Green Hill, Creekwood, and Wood Bridge
Winnwood, (86) and Barry Road Park (84). The have been under the ownership of the city for 40
lowest scoring property was Morgan Tract, a or more years. In their present condition, they
natural park or greenway between a shopping serve ecosystem functions, such as being carbon
center and MO Route 169, scoring a 38 out of sinks and habitat for urban wildlife. While they
100. Following closely behind were Wood Bridge help to protect water quality and air quality for
Park and Old State Line Greenway, both natural nearby Kansas City residents, they do not provide
parks or greenways of riparian land and both other health and wellness benefits since they
scoring 43. This council district abuts suburbs provide limited access to their natural features.
such as Liberty, Gladstone, North Kansas City, When one visits these steep and heavily wooded
and Parkville and is distinguished by many tracts of land, it is easy to understand why, in
mature neighborhood parks. It features the several cases, they remain difficult to access
much beloved Penguin Park, which scored well However, where possible, providing amenities
at 82 and several well traveled greenways such and access to natural areas like North Congress