Page 48 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 48

Figure 3.27: Priority Investment Ratings for Recreation Programming

              A similar exercise was performed for recreation   some of the other engagement methods.  Trail
              programming.  The chart above shows the Priority   development has been a consistent favorite
              Investment Rating for each of 29 programs         among citizens at in-person engagements, on
              assessed. Based upon the Priority Investment      Social Pinpoint and in this survey.  The strong
              Rating (PIR), the following recreation programs   priority for nature preserves seen in this survey
              were rated as high priorities for investment:     also aligns with many comments across Social
                                                                Pinpoint praising the nature and native plant
              1.  Adult fitness & wellness programs             communities in specific KCMO parks.  It also lines
                 (PIR=200)                                      up with the preference seen for outdoor rec and
              2.  History and museums (PIR=127)                 environmental ed programs by pop-up event
              3.  Exercise classes (PIR=123)                    participants.  Residents, as well as departmental
              4.  Senior programs (PIR=101)
                                                                staff, have also shown a strong preference for
                                                                spending dollars on existing park and recreation
              Takeaways                                         infrastructure.  It appears that if capital dollars

              This statistically valid community survey is      are to be spent in this next planning horizon, the
                                                                people who play in and maintain these parks
              one  of the most useful sets of data in the entire   hope to see a large plurality of those funds go
              report.  What is interesting is how much similarity   towards fixing the great parks and community
              exists between the responses provided in          centers that already exist across the city.  The only
              this community survey and those provided in
                                                                interest for new development concerns trails.

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