Page 45 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 45

Figure 3.22: Given the
                                                                                     Pandemic, how has your, and
                                                                                     your household’s perception,
                                                                                     of the value of parks, trails,
                                                                                     open spaces, and recreation

                                                                would support would be from a ½ cent to 1 cent
              Respondents were asked to allocate a              (46%).
              hypothetical $100 budget for Parks and
              Recreation. The highest amount of funding         Respondents were provided a list of 8 potential
              ($40.07) went to improvements/maintenance of      actions to improve parks  and  recreation.
              existing parks and recreation facilities followed   Respondents were most supportive (selecting 
              by $23.10 for the acquisition and development of    “very supportive” or “somewhat supportive”) of
              walking  and  biking  trails/greenways  and  $16.87    the items listed below:
              for  the  construction  of  new  recreation  facilities.   1.  Improving maintenance/cleanliness,
              Respondents were also asked if they would             enhancing, upgrading, & renovating
              support an increase to the existing 1/2-cent parks    existing parks & outdoor recreation
              sales tax and, if so, what that increase might be.  A   facilities to meet resident needs &
              full 68% of respondants indicated that they would     priorities (93%)
              support an increase to that tax.  They most most   2.  Developing new greenway trails, high
              often said the maximum increase in sales tax they     quality bicycle facilities, lighting, shaded

                                                                                     Figure 3.23: If you had an
                                                                                     extra $100, how would you
                                                                                     allocate the funds among
                                                                                     the parks and recreation
                                                                                     categories listed below?

   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50