Page 46 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 46

Figure 3.24: What is the
                                                                                   maximum increase you would
                                                                                   support if it included the types
                                                                                   of improvements that are
                                                                                   important to your household?

                 sidewalks, and  benches & shelters that        1.  Improving  maintenance/ cleanliness, 
                 enhance connectivity (85%)                         enhancing,  upgrading,  &  renovating 
              3.  Improving maintenance/cleanliness,                existing parks & outdoor recreation
                 enhancing, upgrading, & renovating                 facilities to meet resident needs &
                 existing indoor community centers to               priorities (69%)
                 meet resident needs & priorities (84%)         2.  Developing  new  greenway  trails,  high 
                                                                    quality  bicycle  facilities,  lighting,  shaded
              Respondents were then asked to select the four        sidewalks, and benches & shelters that
              improvements that would be most important             enhance connectivity (55%)
              to their household. These were the four items     3.  Acquiring land for preservation of natural
              selected most often:                                  areas for public access (46%)

                                                                                       Figure 3.25: Level of
                                                                                       Support for Actions
                                                                                       to Improve Parks and

   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51