Page 43 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 43

Figure 3.18: If you answered
                                                                                     “not safe” to any of the park
                                                                                     place types listed in the
                                                                                     previous question, what are
                                                                                     the reasons you feel that way?

              (25%) said violent crime followed by the          excellent, and 17% said either fair (16%) or poor
              unhoused population (18%) and vandalism (17%).    (1%).

              Recreation Participation                          Respondents were asked to rate their level of
                                                                satisfaction  regarding  10  aspects  of  recreation 
              Respondents were asked if they had participated   program  services.  Respondents  were  most 
              in any KCMO Parks and  Recreation  Department     satisfied (rating either “satisfied” or “very
              programs  in  the  past  two  years.  Sixteen     satisfied”) with the quality of instructors (90%), the
              percent  (16%)  of  respondents  said  someone    times programs are offered (87%), and the quality
              in  their  household  had  participated.  Of  those    of facility where the program is offered (85%).
              respondents,  the highest number (74%) said
              they participated in 1-3 programs. Those same     Respondents  most  often  learned  about 
              respondents were then asked to rate the overall   recreation  programs  and  activities  from
              quality of those programs: the highest number of   social  media  (46%),  the  park  and  recreation
              respondents (62%) rated them good, 21% said       website  (37%),  or  the  local  news (37%). These

              Figure 3.19: Approximately how many
              different recreation programs offered
              by the KCMO Parks and Recreation
              Department have you or members of
              your household participated in over
              the past two years?

   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48