Page 38 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
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respondents define “support.”  In many cases that    Programs was the overwhelming first choice favorite
           correlates to financial support, but it can also mean   and had nearly the most second choices, as well.
           different things, that may be easier to rectify.     This is not an uncommon response.  The challenge
                                                                is that it is a VERY broad area with a wide variety of
           When asked about community centers, the location     programs that can fall into the category.  It will be
           and staff were identified as their favorite things, while   important for the Department to understand their
           maintenance and upkeep were identified as their      core services and ensure that youth programs are
           least favorite things.  Respondents were asked what   included.
           changes they would recommend for the community
           centers, to which a wide variety of responses were   Respondents were given eight different initiatives
           received.  A common response was the need for        and asked to indicate their level of support (very
           more staff.                                          supportive, somewhat supportive, not supportive,
           The Department is in a challenging position          not sure) for each.  The two initiatives with the highest
           regarding their community centers in part because    level of support were:
           they are surrounded by other municipalities with     1.  Improving the maintenance/cleanliness,
           similar competitive facilities and also because of       enhancing, upgrading, and renovating
           funding.                                                 existing parks and outdoor recreation
                                                                    facilities to meet residents’ needs and
           When respondents were asked what the                     priorities.
           Department should focus on the most, they            2.  Improving the maintenance/cleanliness,
           indicated neighborhood parks.  In most departments       enhancing, upgrading, and renovating
           the size of Kansas City there can be a tendency to       existing indoor community centers to meet
           focus on the large-acreage or regional parks.  For the   resident needs and priorities.
           staff to express their opinion that a focus should be   Given the scale of the Department it is not surprising
           made on neighborhood parks is interesting, as they   that the top two areas of support were in existing
           can be time and labor intensive.  This focus should be   indoor and outdoor spaces and were not on
           confirmed with residents, but also used to leverage   acquisition of new.  This also points to staff that are
           additional financial support.                        very aware of areas where they feel they may not be
                                                                meeting expectations, or could improve on existing
           When asked if the department should focus on         conditions.
           just two recreational programs, respondents felt
           that Youth Programs should be the focus.  Youth      Respondents were asked to provide ideas of what

                                                                              Figure 3.10: Which area do you think
                                                                              the department should focus on

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