Page 33 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 33

$265           $300                                              Figure 3.4: Results from
                              15%            17%                                               November Open House
                                                                                               Activity about Spending

                          $845                   $110
                           47%                    6%


              the Trailside Center, and Brush Creek Community   choice “maintain what we’ve got” (47%) over
              Center).  Conducting the same presentation in     acquire new land for trails (17%).  The April open
              three different locations in a single week allowed   house meetings were structured to allow  the
              us to deliver similar information to audiences in   consultant team to share preliminary data and for
              the north, central, and south portions of the city.    attendees to ask questions.  Attendance at these
              Conducting two separate rounds of meetings        meetings was stronger than those in the fall.  but
              allowed the team to share different types of      still not very robust.
              information and collect different feedback.

              The November meetings focused on explaining
              the purpose behind the plan and encouraging       It was challenging to get turnout for any one of
              folks to follow the process on the project website.    the open houses above 15 people.  The pop-ups
              The statistically valid survey instrument our     provided more interaction with park users but
              team developed was circulating at that time so    due to their spontaneous  nature, they are not as
              we asked folks to participate in dot activities   inclusive a means of engagement.  The Fall open
              which mimicked some of the survey questions.      house meetings did provide some comparative
              There was a lot of correlation between the two,   data to check against the statistically valid survey
              especially on the question concerning park        sample.
              spending priorities.  Just like survey respondents,
              open house attendees strongly favored the

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