Page 34 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 34


                                                                Over the 10 months that this tool was available, the
        ENGAGEMENT                                              website was visited by 1,213 unique users over 3,300
                                                                times.  In the end, 214 unique users left 603 separate
                                                                comments on the map. These comments tended to
                                                                come in large batches, often when the department
        SUMMARY                                                 and consultant team were advertising for the more

                                                                traditional in-person engagement sessions.  Figure
                                                                3.6 below shows the most talked about words
                                                                within social pinpoint.  Figure 3.7 shows a heat map
           Even before the pandemic, the hot trend in           indicating the density of comments across the city’s
           community engagement was being able to conduct       geography.  There’s more activity in the center of
           it virtually.  The pandemic made it the routine for a   the city, where population and park density are the
           couple years.  Our team finds terrific value in it when   greatest.  However certain parks in the farther north
           done the right way.  The more freedom and ease       and south reaches of the city, still attracted comment.
           you can provide citizens, the more success you will   In terms of single Park properties, Swope received
           have.  The consultant team developed a digital brand   the most comments at 70, but Anne Garney up north
           and website specifically for this project.  The website   was the second most commented park with 30,
           provided basic information about the planning        followed by Penn Valley with 29.  The comments can
           process and also hosted an interactive mapping tool   be about most anything.  The word cloud below in
           called Social Pinpoint.  That tool was available to the   Figure 3.8 was generated by Social Pinpoint based
           general public from August 2022 until June 2023.     on the collective content of the 603 comments.  As it
           This section of the report discusses the use of virtual   suggests in its anecdotal way, trails, connectivity, and
           engagement during this planning process and the      access to green spaces were common topics.   The
           results obtained.


           For this project, Social Pinpoint allowed visitors a
           chance to dive into an interactive map of Kansas City
           in which all the existing parks and greenways, and
           community centers were highlighted.  As soon as a
           visitor enters this web site, they are given instructions   Figure 3.5: Project brand
           on how to leave comments about parks, trails,
           community centers or whatever might be on their
           mind about parks an recreation.  In order to leave
           a comment of any kind, a visitor drags a little “pin”
           onto the screen.  The have a choice of four types of
           pins: “Things they like”, “Things they dislike,” ”Ideas
           for improvement,”and “Causes for concern.”  By
           setting up these options, our team effectively crowd
           sourced a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
           and Threats (SWOT) analysis of the Kansas City
           park system.

                                                               Figure 3.6: Word cloud generated by Social PinPoint

   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39