Page 35 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 35

consultant team spent some time distilling
        the comments based on City Council District
        and found some trends.  Residents in District
        #1 expressed lots of appreciation for the
        nature in their parks but also demanded
        that trail segments be completed.  District
        #2 consistently raved about the miniature
        railroad in Vaydik Park and begged for a dog
        park.  District #3 asked for more landscaping
        in their parks as well as trash to be cleaned
        up on greenways.  District #4 expressed
        concern about the homeless population and
        also safety at trail and street intersections.
        District #5 residents spoke of concern over
        invasive exotic species and also the lack of
        sidewalks in their neighborhoods.  District #6
        folks highly value natural spaces in their parks
        and have a clear desire for more native plant


        In M ay of 2023, KC Parks staff conducted
        two virtual open houses.  City staff utilized a
        presentation that was developed for a series
        of in-person open houses conducted in April.
        Turnouf for both open houses consisted of
        betrween 10 and 20 residents.  The virtual
        platform for community engagement can
        provide more accessibility for diverse groups,
        a decreased burden on users and give users   Figure 3.7: Comment heat map generated by Social PinPoint
        quick access to community members.


        Keep in mind that the Social Pinpoint exercise
        is not statistically valid.  It is a way for residents
        to quickly and conveniently leave input
        about park spaces near and dear to them.
        Participants were invited to give candid and
        specific park-level comments which can
        sometimes lead to validation of results seen
        in the other engagement methods.

                                                     Figure 3.8: Social Pinpoint activity over time.

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