Page 32 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 32

IN     -  PERSON

                                                                Park, a Saturday morning at the soccer fields at
        ENGAGEMENT                                              Tiffany Hills Park, a Walktober event on Brush
                                                                Creek Greenway, and a Saturday morning at
                                                                City Market.  At all four locations, we asked folks
                                                                to participate in a quick visual preference survey
        SUMMARY                                                 by answering two questions: what programs do

                                                                you want to see more of in KCMO parks, and
                                                                what amenities do you want to see more of in
                                                                KCMO parks.  Over the 4 sessions we had over
              The consultant team employed many                 150 interactions with individuals, couples, or
              approaches to create a diverse public             families.  The most popular recreation programs
              engagement strategy.  It’s difficult to access all of   among respondents were community and
              Kansas City’s population, but by offering multiple   cultural events followed by outdoor recreation,
              platforms over a wide span of time, our hope was   and environmental education.  The most popular
              that all residents would have the opportunity     park amenities were: walking trails, followed by
              to voice their feedback.  Our team engaged        improved landscaping, and then adventure park.
              the community continuously over a 9 month
              period.  This section of the report summarizes the
              methods of in-person engagement we employed       OPEN HOUSES
              and the results we gathered.                      Our team wanted to offer residents the traditional

                                                                option of coming to an in-person public meeting.
              POP-UP EVENTS                                     While the engagement method has not been
                                                                highly successful ever since the pandemic, it is
              One way to collect input on park and recreation   still the primary method for citizens that do not
              topics is to go to  parks with a lot of folks and start   typically access digital content.  As with pop-up
              conversations.  Pop-up engagement events are      events, we spread these out across locations and
              a way to strategically put yourself into a broad   time.  We ultimately provided 3 open houses in the
              mix of park users and collect quick and candid    November of 2022 (at Northland Neighborhoods,
              opinions.  Our team selected four different popular   Inc., Bruce R. Watkins Cultural Heritage Center,
              events staged in parks across Kansas City during   and the  South Metro Patrol Station) and 3 more
              the fall of 2022: the Zoo Run for Sharks in Swope   in April of 2023 (Line Creek Community Center,

          Figure 3.1: Pop-Up Event, Zoo               Figure 3.2: Pop-Up Event,           Figure 3.3: Pop-Up Event, City
       Run for Sharks, September 2022                 Walktober, October 2022                    Market, October 2022

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