Page 37 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 37

working maintenance, or administering programs,
              most parks and recreation positions require       Respondents were asked what the Department
                                                                does well in the following areas, along with top
              a physical presence.  Some of that can be         responses:
              overcome with working hours flexibility, but it likely   •  Places: Parks
              still requires a physical presence.
                                                                •  Programs: Fitness
                                                                •  Events: Seasonal/Holiday
              Respondents were asked to rate their level of     An important follow-up question to this would
              satisfaction with their current position in the   be, why do you think the Department does these
              Department with a 0 being completely unsatisfied   things well?  Based on previous responses,
              and a 10 being completely satisfied.  The average   both staffing and lack of budgetary resources
              response of respondents was a 6.8.  The
              consulting team felt that this was a reasonable   are concerns.  It’s important to understand and
                                                                maintain strengths in the system while addressing
              score given some of the concerns that were        the shortcomings.
              highlighted in the survey.

                                                                In contrast they were asked what they should do
              Approximately 80% of respondents indicated
              that they do interact with the public in their    less of:
                                                                •  Places: Skate Parks & Dog Parks
              position.  Those respondents indicated that       •  Programs: E-Sports
              frequent compliments they hear from the public    •  Events: Plein Air Art
              include “good job,” “clean and quick responses to
              guests,” “ great staff,” “keeping parks clean,” “parks
              are beautiful,” “thank you,” and “park workers    Skate parks are a common dislike amongst
                                                                staff because of the “other” uses and users it
              are appreciated.”  Those same respondents         draws when not being used as a skate park.
              indicated the following common concerns or        Many departments have engaged the users of
              criticisms: trash, bathrooms, poor maintenance of   skate parks to get them more involved and take
              parks or parkways, homeless population, funding,
              concerns about staff, timeliness of repairs,      ownership of the spaces, which has had a positive
                                                                result.  While dog parks are a favorite amenity
              community centers need attention, reliability     of residents, they are typically disliked by staff
              of services, and length of time for projects. The   because of the maintenance they require.  Some
              percentage of respondents that interact with      departments have moved to an annual fee to use
              residents in person, on the phone and through
              email underscores the previous comment about      dog parks to help try and recover some of the
                                                                costs associated with offering the amenity, while
              requiring a physical presence to complete many    others have engaged “friends of” groups to help
              tasks.  The challenge with what was reported      offset some of the maintenance time.  Though
              back to the consulting team is that it can have   many view E-Sports as contradictory to parks
              a significant amount of recency bias prioritizing
              recent events over historical tendencies.  Many   and recreation, most departments are exploring
                                                                either offering the program or creating the space
              departments and communities of this size          to do so.
              often conduct resident satisfaction surveys.
              The data collected with that type of statistically   Approximately 62% of respondents indicated that
              representative instrument would provide better
              data in this area.  Kansas City offers the Resident   they felt the Department DOES NOT receive an
                                                                appropriate level of support from City leadership
              and Business Satisfaction Survey, this survey     and residents.  This is another area where follow-
              includes some questions focusing on the Parks &   up dialogue may be required to understand how
              Recreation department.

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