Page 39 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 39
the Department’s mission should be.
The following common responses
were received:
1. First Choice: clean,
community, fun, health,
inclusive, maintain, natural,
2. Second Choice: community,
fun, health, inclusive, parks,
programs, safe, wellness.
3. Third Choice: community,
environment, fun, health,
Respondents were asked to identify
the most important words in the
Department’s mission statement.
1. Most Important: Health, Life,
2. Second Most: Health
Figure 3.11: If the department focused on two recreational programs, 3. Third Most: Wellness
what should they be? There is a trend within parks and
recreation to focus on health and
wellness. As the Department moves
Figure 3.12 How supportive are you of the following initiatives? forward understanding what health
and wellness mean to staff and
residents will be essential. It will also
be important to ensure that both
health and wellness integrate with
core services of the Department.
Certain trends from this survey
exercise stand out from others.
There is a strong sense of stress
among the department, based on
their moderate work satisfaction
rating, their assertion that they are
short staffed and that the city does
not provide adequate support. Staff
show clear preferences on where
the department’s focus should be in
terms of amenities (neighborhood
parks), programming (youth) and
initiatives (maintaining the existing