Page 44 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 44

Figure 3.20: Check
              all of the following
              organizations you
              or members of your
              household use for
              recreation programs and

              are also the three methods respondents most       The highest percentage of respondents (44%)
              prefer.  Respondents were asked to select         felt somewhat satisfied, followed by neutral
              all the organizations their household  used       (23%). In general, most respondents (80%) feel
              for  recreation  programs and facilities.  Most    it is very important for KCMO to provide high
              common  were  KCMO  Parks  and  Recreation        quality parks and recreation programs and
              (72%),  neighboring  cities  (50%),  Jackson      facilities. Households  were  then  asked  if  their 
              County (30%),  and  private  fitness  centers     perception  of  value  had  changed  due  to  the 
              (30%).                                            COVID-19  pandemic. The highest number of
                                                                respondents (33%) said there was no change or
              Value & Funding                                   a significant increase and 30% said it somewhat
                                                                increased. Fifty-six percent (56%) of respondents
              Respondents were asked to rate their level of     felt funding should increase based on their
              satisfaction with the overall value they received   perception of value and 33% thought it should
              from the Parks and Recreation Department.         stay the same.

                                                                               Figure 3.21: What is your level of
                                                                               satisfaction with the overall value
                                                                               your household receives from
                                                                               the KCMO Parks and Recreation

   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49