Page 56 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
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parkland in the system, the 955-acre Riverfront   a 93, was the highest scoring park not funded
              Park (55).  One of the most challenging issues    by a major league sports team.  Other parks
              the department faces overall, and in this district   in the Ward Parkway corridor and Brookside
              especially, is the plight of the unhoused.  This is  a   neighborhood also scored in the 80s and high
              city-wide, and arguably region-wide,  issue that   70s.  The lowest scoring property was Sante
              will require more than one department to solve.   Fe Trace Park Greenway (46) which could be

              Council District #5                               turned into a high functioning greenway with a
                                                                walkway, signage, and the occasional seat.  Other
                                                                park spaces that lack easy access or amenities
              This council district features 38 park properties,   such as Klapmeyer (59) , Terrace (58), and
              totaling 42,924 acres, with an average score      Warford Park (61), lowered the average score
              of 66.5.  It’s highest performing park properties   slightly.  These parks too, could be improved with
              are ones that have seen recent and significant    paved trails, a single amenity, and optimization of
              investment, such as Martin Luther King Jr. Square   mowing areas.
              (84) , Town Fork Creek Greenway (83), and Arleta
              Park (78).  It’s lowest scoring parks are all natural
              parks or greenways like Ingles
              Park (40), French Tract (44), and
              Legacy West and Legacy East
              Parks (42 and 46, respectively).
              This is a district that contains
              many natural parks or greenway
              spaces on the city’s southeast
              side and that’s not at all a bad
              thing when managed properly.
              Not all lightly developed parks in
              this district scored low.  Little Blue
              Valley Park (75) on the east side
              of Raytown provides visitors with
              a new playground, a safe parking   Figure 4.6: Roanoke Park
              lot, and ample trails through
              an otherwise natural area of
              grasslands and riparian forest.
              Swope Park (75) is the flagship
              property of the system and while it faces a list of   TakeAways
              deferred maintenance projects, this means that
              the district doesn’t have the resources readily   The average criteria and composite scores for
              available to maintain all of their properties. There’s   the overall park system are shown on page 51.
              more than 1,000 acres of natural terrain offering   The overall score was 65.2. The criteria scores
              some of the best hiking and mountain biking       provide a breakdown of what contributes to this
              available in northwestern Missouri.               number.  The areas where this system scored

              Council District #6                               relatively well were in the comfort and character
                                                                and the amenities criteria.  As a whole, KCMO
                                                                parks earned 72% of the possible points for their
              The 26 parks located in this council district scored   comfort and character and 67% of the possible
              a composite average of 71.1, the highest of any   points for their amenities.  What this means is
              district.  It features Jacob Loose Park which, with   that, in the average Kansas City, Missouri  park,

   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61