Page 174 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 174




          SITE LOCATION:  N.W. 56th St. & N.W. Waukomis Dr.     STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, & OPPORTUNITIES

        CLASSIFICATION:                Park            Vaydik Park is a large park with a variety of unique amenities and
        COUNCIL DISTRICT:                    2         historical significance.  This park was acquired in the early 1960s in

        PARK DISTRICT:                                 an effort to save the property and its archaeological artifacts from
                                                       development.  The property has special significance to members of the
        ESTABLISHED:             1966                  Hopewell tribe.  A garden in the park demonstrates native plants and
        ACREAGE:            176 acres                  indigenous gardening techniques.  The park is also a trailhead for the
                                                       Line Creek Greenway, and home to the Line Creek Community Center
                                                       and  the Kansas  City  Northern  Miniature  Railroad.   The park  suffers
        PARK AMENITIES                                 from a lack of connectivity between its northern and southern sections.
                                                       The athletic facilities  in the  southern  portion are  in poor  condition.
        •  Benches (3)                                 Opportunities for improvement include:
        •  Bicycle Racks (1)                           •   A looped park walkway connecting all park amenities
        •  Bleachers/Grandstands (4)                   •   Renovated restroom and concession building in the southern half
        •  Concession Stands (1)                       •   Maintenance to the diamond and rectangular fields
        •  Diamond Fields (3)
        •  Drinking Fountain (1)              PARK ASSESSMENT RATING
        •  Dugouts (6)
        •  Landmark (1)                       RATING KEY:  0-24 ACCEPTABLE;  25-49 POOR;  50-74 GOOD;  75-100 EXCELLENT
        •  Multi-Use Trail (1)
        •  Old Park Sign  (2)                     UNACCEPTABLE           POOR       ✓   GOOD           EXCELLENT
        •  Parking Lighting (9)
        •  Parking Lot (2)
        •  Picnic Shelter (1)
        •  Picnic Tables (20)
        •  Playground (2)
        •  Rectangular Fields (2)                                   Usability-11             Comfort/Character-22
        •  Restrooms (Permanent) (1)
        •  Sports Lighting (114)
        •  Stream/Creek (1)
        •  Trash Receptacles (16)                   Accessibility-8            Amenities-16       TOTAL SCORE


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