Page 389 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 389
responsive and elevates program function INTERIOR FINISHES
elegantly. 1 being a facility with worn, damaged, soiled,
broken or peeling floor, wall and ceiling finishes
STAFF SUPPORTS SPACE ORGANIZATION versus 5 being a facility with attractive and well-
1 being a facility that contains little to no needed maintained interior finishes.
support staff areas such as office, meeting, break
or locker/shower areas, versus 5 a facility that MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND
provides sufficient staff support space. PLUMBING SYSTEMS
1 being a facility with severely deficient and failing
MAINTENANCE FACILITY SPACE HVAC and plumbing system issues, versus 5 being
ORGANIZATION a facility with efficient well-maintained HVAC and
1 being a facility that provides little to no needed plumbing systems.
interior vehicle/equipment storage and shop
space versus, 5 being a facility that provides LIGHTING
needed interior maintenance space for efficient 1 being a facility with outdated and poorly
operations. . functioning lighting, or levels inappropriate for the
intended program use, versus 5 being a facility
YARD SPACE ORGANIZATION which features an appropriate amount of well-
1 being a facility that provides little to no needed functioning and sustainable LED lighting emitting
exterior material and vehicle storage, versus 5 apparent illuminations levels for their intended
being a facility that provides needed exterior yard purposes.
storage for efficient operations.
OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPORT 1 being a facility with obvious exiting, ADA
AMENITIES compliance, or other noted code related
1 being a facility that provides little to no needed deficiencies, versus 5 being a facility with no
support amenities such as fueling and wash, obvious code compliance items.
versus 5 being a facility that provides needed
maintenance support amenities. TECHNOLOGY
1 being a facility with non-functional or lack of
LANDSCAPE AND SITE needed audio/visual, electronic security and WiFi,
1 being a facility with unhealthy and poorly versus 5 being a facility with sufficient, effective
maintained landscaping, walks, paving, and and up-to-date technology amenities.
a heavy demand for traditional mowing and
maintenance, versus 5 being a facility marked by
well-maintained landscaping, walks and paving
with minimal requirements through efficient and
sustainable management practices.
1 being a facility with unsightly, worn, soiled and
poorly maintained exterior walls, versus 5 being a
facility with attractive, well maintained exterior wall
1 being a facility with failing and leaking windows
and doors, versus 5 being a facility with sound,
thermally improved windows and doors.