Page 95 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 95

Objective 4.3: Strategically reduce administrative and staff load for tasks that are more
                 efficient for other departments or organizations to manage such as solid waste management and
                 services for the unhoused population

                 Strategy 4.3a: Optimize capital investments by implementing the newly developed rating
                 system for capital projects that prioritizes equity considerations, parks with adopted master plans,
                 and parks with low asset inventory scoring

                 Strategy 4.3b: Enhance existing Safe Healthy Attractive Public Environments (SHAPE)
                 inspection program and Park Ranger Program to improve park safety
                 Strategy 4.3c: Implement asset data recording, work order data collection, adoption of Key
                 Performance Indicators (KPIs), and monthly KPI reporting for operations and maintenance

                 Strategy 4.3d: Develop and/or implement existing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for
                 frequent tasks and cross-training policies to reduce or eliminate risks from single points of failure

                 Objective 4.4: Improve the financial performance of parks facilities to increase cost
                 recovery and reduce operational subsidies
                 Strategy 4.4a: Engage the local community adjacent to each community center to evaluate their
                 programming needs then provide programming or facility modifications, improvements, or new
                 construction in response
                 Strategy 4.4b: Critically evaluate facilities that require significant investment and determine if
                 replacement is most effective for long-term financial feasibility

                 Objective 4.5:  Prepare a staff and community awareness and education plan for each pillar
                 of the strategic action plan

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