Page 92 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 92

Pillar 2: Health & Wellness

         To improve health and wellness through parks and recreation planning, programming, and maintenance

         Objective 2.1: Improve and maintain parks and facilities to support and improve health and wellness

         Strategy 2.1a: Build restrooms strategically in parks where there are sufficient users to justify the high staffing
         requirement to maintain restrooms and provide for cleaning 2 times per day
         Strategy 2.1b: Focus more capital expenditures at Community Centers and Pools that rated below 65 on the
         asset inventory
         Strategy 2.1c: Create and follow regular schedules for sports court sealing and resurfacing, parking lot sealing
         and resurfacing, and a preventative maintenance program for roof surfaces to extend useful lifespans. Place the
         locations that rated below 65 on the asset inventory at the top of the list
         Strategy 2.1d: Create and follow regular schedules for fountain and monument preventative maintenance to
         extend useful lifespans and set service level expectations for repair timeframes. Place the locations that rated
         below 65 on the asset inventory at the top of the list

         Strategy 2.1e: Include a community engagement strategy for all park and facility improvement projects which
         includes involvement from and communicaton with local neighborhood residents.

         Objective 2.2: Respond to strong desires for multi-use trails expressed by residents during the public
         involvement process and enhance accessibility
         Strategy 2.2a: Update the Trails KC Plan and pursue revised target miles constructed in the new plan in
         partnership with other City departments
         Strategy 2.2b: Implement a dedicated trail maintenance and replacement fund together with other City
         departments with an emphasis on accessibility
         Strategy 2.2c: Build regional trails to connect parks and loop trails within parks with an emphasis on accessibility

         Strategy 2.2d: Build trails to connect high use areas with parks with an emphasis on accessibility

         Objective 2.3: Actively focus on access to health and wellness programming in the seasonal and annual
         programming, with an emphasis on community centers to maximize efficiencies
         Strategy 2.3a: Focus on highest priority programming from resident surveys including adult health and wellness,
         history and culture, adult exercise, and senior activities
         Strategy 2.3b: Redefine community centers as community health and wellness hubs that provide existing
         services and act as a source from which community members can learn and be referred to other community
         resources, such as those offered by the City’s Health Department

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