Page 88 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 88

walk of a park, not all of those parks are equally
                                                                accessible or appealing.  The first pillar is social
                                                                equity and it has the following goal statement:

                                                                To improve equitable access through parks
                                                                and recreation planning, programming, and

                                                                There are many measures that the department
                                                                can take as it continues to strive towards an
                                                                equitable park system.  It will involve strategically
                                                                funding park improvements based on the true
                                                                need of its communities and neighborhoods.  It
                                                                will involve the deeper discussions with citizens
                                                                in those neighborhoods, and tracking the parks
                                                                and programs they actually use.  There are
                                                                stories here that can be told within our parks
                                                                and open spaces through signage, special
                                                                events, and public art.  Additionally, there are new
                                                                partnerships that can be forged which will enrich
                                                                the department’s offerings and create more
                                                                connections with neighborhoods that have long
                                                                looked to have a seat at the table.

                                                                health and wellness

                                                                Kansas City residents made it clear during the
                                                                community engagement process that they want
                                                                to get outside, enjoy nature, and do so in their city
                                                                parks.  Through the surveys and open houses,
                                                                we consistently how important walking and bike
                                                                infrastructure is. Also there is a desire for more
                                                                opportunities in outdoor recreation and stronger
                                                                connections to nature.  This strong desire for
                                                                healthy activity and mental well-being speaks
                                                                to the department’s second pillar of health and

                                                                To improve health and wellness through
                                                                parks and recreation planning, programming,
                                                                and maintenance.

                                                                The department must devote its energies
                                                                to making health and wellness a focus of
                                                                their recreation programming across the

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