Page 86 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 86

        ANAL             Y    SIS       OF

                                                                the report.  The asset Inventory provides a wealth
        THE FINDINGS                                            of field collected data on all park properties.
                                                                The Community Engagement process yeilded
                                                                several distinct and separate buckets of data,
                                                                some of which carry statistical validity and others
              The consultant team was tasked with assembling    which are candid and personal.  The Needs
              a profile of the existing Kansas City parks and   Assessment provided analytical data on multiple
              recreation community, critically evaluating the   facets of the department’s operations.
              existing park assets, assessing the community
              need, and ultimately developing a road map for    At the outset of this exercise, the consultant team
              the department to follow for the next 10 years.     understood it needed to utilize this new and fresh
              The process by which the team analyzed these      data set to establish objectives and strategic
              findings is loosely represented by the Venn       actions the department could take to reinforce
              diagram below.                                    and achieve is existing mission.  The team pulled
                                                                data and conclusions from each of these families
              Essentially each of the previous chapters in this   of data to develop that strategic action plan.  This
              report represent different families of data that lend   section of the report begins to lay out the steps
              their own unique flavor and value to this social   the department will take to implement that plan.
              science exercise.  For instance the Community
              Profile offers macroscopic statistical data on the
              Kansas City population which reinforces more
              granular and anecdotal found in other areas of

                   Community                                                     Asset

                   Profile                                                       Inventory

                      •  Demographics                                       •  Park/Facility Inventory
                                                                            •  Alternative Provider Inventory
                      •  Plan Review                                        •  Partner Inventory
                      •  Rec Market Study




                       Community                                            Needs

                       Engagement                                           Assessment

                  •  Statistically Valid Survey                                •  Level of Service Analysis
                  •  Departmental Staff Survey                                 •  Rec Trend Analysis
                  •  Commissioner Interviews                                   •  Benchmarking
                  •  Social Pinpoint                                           •  Financial Analysis
                  •  Pop Up Events
                  •  Open Houses

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