Page 87 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 87

        THE          MISSION

                                                                As the consultant team spent time with citizens at
        & PILLARS                                               10 different engagement sessions, reviewed over
                                                                600 comments posited online, and reviewed 20
                                                                years worth of planning policy, it became clear
                                                                that this mission and the four pillars that uphold it
              Implementation of this plan begins with a mission   still make sense for Kansas City.  This population
              for the department and the foundational pillars   loves its park system and is not seeking to
              that support that make it  achievable.  The mission   reinvent it.  They want to fix what they already
              and the four pillars of the Kansas City Parks     have.  They want to activate the green spaces that
              and Recreation Department were established        they have loved for generations and yet continue
              as part of in the 2020 Strategic Business Plan.    to watch decline.  They want to be able to get out
              Throughout the planning process, it was clear to   and visit those parks so close to their homes yet
              the consultant team that this mission and its pillar   maybe not as clean, as accessible, or as safe as
              still resonate with the system and its constituents.  they wish them to be.  This plan re-examines that

              The Mission                                       mission statement and its four pillars and provides
                                                                many new objectives and strategies in line with
                                                                what the residents of Kansas City have told us
              This plan reaffirms the department’s existing     during this planning process.
              mission statement:
                                                                social equity

              To improve the quality of life, health, and
              wellness of our community by providing            Kansas City has an amazingly vast park system
              socially equitable, community-driven              with over 10,500 acres of parkland spread across
              programming and environmentally sound             nearly all neighborhoods in the city.  While more
              natural resource management.                      than 80% of residents live within a 10-minute

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