Page 91 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
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STRA TEGIC finite “strategies.” As the department begins to put these
strategies into action in the coming years, the objectives
ACTION PLAN will soon become a reality. As the department realizes
these objectives, they will strengthen the pillars and
thereby achieve their mission. This strategic action plan
is a living document. It will be up to the discretion of the
The strategic action plan is the road map that the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners as to
department will use over the coming 10-year planning how and when strategies are implemented.
horizon to guide its decisions and evolution. These
pages break down each of the department’s four
“pillars” into a series of actionable “objectives.” Those
objectives are further broken down into distinct and
Pillar 1: social equity
To improve equitable access through parks and recreation planning programming and maintenance
Objective 1.1: Invest in the parks and facilities in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental
Justice Tracts as well as the Quality of Life Improvement District (QLID) with asset inventory scores below 65
Strategy 1.1a: Include a community engagement strategy for all park and facility improvement projects which
includes involvement from and communication with local neighborhood residents.
Strategy 1.1b:Increase annual maintenance cycles at these parks and facilities by one additional cycle over the
life of this plan
Strategy 1.1c: Improve walking access to the QLID parks
Objective 1.2: Provide equitable and affordable programming focusing on building more recreation
partnerships in EPA Environmental Justice Tracts in the specific focus areas of youth soccer, all ages swimming
lessons and swimming, and senior programming including walking
Strategy 1.2a: Address the anticipated increased interest in soccer from the 2026 World Cup event by focusing
on upgrading spaces for soccer activities and youth soccer programming
Strategy 1.2b: Focus on providing all ages swimming lessons and swimming during the summer aquatics
seasons and during the winters for indoor facilities
Strategy 1.2c: Focus on providing programming for adults including health and wellness, history and culture,
exercise, and senior activities to address areas identified on surveys
Objective 1.3: Begin more comprehensive tracking of programs that are taking place by location and adjust
programming to fill gaps
Strategy 1.3a: Track the participation and cancellation rates of programs by facility and report annually to Park
Strategy 1.3b: Use annual reports to better understand the true department-wide programming services and fill
identified gaps in programming in the next calendar year