Contact Us

Contact Us

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8 a.m.-5 p.m.

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4600 E. 63rd St.
Kansas City, MO 64130
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Phone: 816-513-7500
Fax: 816-513-7719


Have a question, comment, praise, or concern? Please feel free to contact the Kansas City Parks and Recreation staff/division listed below or use the general inquiries email, [email protected]. If you would like to contact a specific KC Parks facility, please Search (top right) for the facility; the number will be listed on their page.

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Name: Christopher Cotten

Phone Number: 816-513-7503

Email: [email protected]

Name: Brad Clay

Phone Number: 816-513-7505

Email: [email protected]

Name: James Wang

Phone Number: 816-513-7622

Email: [email protected]

Name: Karmen Houston

Phone Number: 816-513-7503

Email: [email protected]

Name: Kevin Evans

Phone Number: 816-513-7525

Email: [email protected]

Name: Jennifer Jutte

Phone Number: 816-513-7565

Email: [email protected]

Name: James Wang, P.E., ENV SP

Phone Number: 816-513-7622

Email: [email protected]

Office: 816-513-7570
After Regular Business Hours and Weekends: 816-668-6990
E-mail: [email protected]
If you have an emergency, 9-1-1 is still the appropriate first call and then call the Rangers. The listed numbers will not be answered if a ranger is not on duty.

Name: Lanè (La-nay) Johnson

Phone Number: 816-209-5325

Email: [email protected]

Call: 311 or (816) 513-1313
Email: [email protected]
Visit: KCMO 311

Name: Heidi Markle

Phone Number: 816-513-7527

Email: [email protected]

Name: Robert Loya

Phone Number: 816-513-7701

Email: [email protected]

Name: Kelly Jander

Phone Number: 816-513-7512

Email: [email protected]

Name: Shayna Lane

Phone Number: 816-513-7532

Email: [email protected]

Athletic Programs: James Caldwell
Field Permits/Contracts: Kevin Kearney

Name: Taryn Andersen

Phone Number: 816-513-7624

Email: [email protected]

Name: Hannah Brookins

Email: [email protected]

Name: Kate Warfield

Phone Number: 816-513-0753

Email: [email protected]