Ethnic Festival Strives to be Zero Waste!

Ethnic Festival Strives to be Zero Waste!

Ethnic Festival Strives to be Zero Waste!

For the second year, our KC Parks Ambassadors volunteer team partnered to bring composting to the Ethnic Enrichment Festival. This year, they added mixed-recycling and zero waste stations. Because of these efforts, the Ethnic Enrichment Commission has a goal of becoming a zero waste festival in the future! Here are the amazing number from the 2024 event:

  • Diverted 7,300 lbs (3.65 tons) of food waste away from the landfill
  • Diverted 4,600 lbs (2.3 tons) of mixed recyclables away from the landfill
  • Diverted 900 lbs of glass away from the landfill
  • Distributed 100 composting buckets to the community
  • Educated thousands of people about composting and recycling
  • Helped set a new standard for future festival waste diversion
  • Invested 303 volunteer hours of time to improve the community
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