Metal Detecting in KC Parks

Metal Detecting in KC Parks

For those seeking to discover a hidden treasure, metal detecting is allowed in approved areas throughout our park system. Registration is required and valid for one year from date of registration.

No object of historical or archaeological value or interest may be removed from a park. If you find such an object while using a metal detector, please immediately notify park staff.

Metal Detecting is prohibited in the following areas:
  • Athletic Fields
  • Historic Sites/Memorial Grounds
  • Golf and Disc Golf Courses
  • Frank Vaydik Park
  • Loose Park
  • Indian Mound Park
  • Union Cemetery
  • Shoal Creek Living History Museum
  • Battlefields
  • Dog Parks
  • Landscaped Plant Beds
  1. Digging by hand implements only (e.g. trowel). Small probes or sand sieves are acceptable. Digging is limited to 3 inches in depth and 3 inches in width. Return ground to holes and restore area to original condition as much as possible. Recommendation is to preserve the “plug” of ground that is removed, then placed back in hole for minimum disruption to turf and no noticeable impact to park property resulting from metal detecting activity.
  2. A litter apron or bag is to be worn or carried during metal detector use and all litter disposed of in trash containers or removed from site.
  3. If an object of historical or archaeological value or interest is found, the metal detecting activity shall cease, and park staff notified.
  4. Plants and trees may not be dislodged or have their roots disturbed.
  5. Metal detecting hours are daily from sunrise to sunset.
  6. Registration must take place annually and is good for one year from the date of registration. Please register online.
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