Preschool Swim Lessons

Preschool Swim Lessons

Gregg/Klice Community Center
May 7 – 30 | June 4 – 27 | July 2 – 30 | Aug. 6 – 29
Tuesday/ Thursday, 6 p.m.

Preschool swim lesson is the first stage of swim lessons and focuses on skills for beginners. Students are introduced to the pool and develop safe water habits in a fun and encouraging environment.

  • Students will learn to enter the pool independently using ramp, steps or side and travel at least 5 yards.
  • Submerging mouth and blowing bubbles for at least 3 seconds.
  • Exiting the water safely.
  • Gliding on front for at least 2 body lengths with support.
  • Rolling to back and floating for 3 second with support.
  • Recovering to a vertical position with support.

May 7 – 30  |  June 4 – 27  |  July 2 – 30  |  Aug. 6 – 29
Tuesday/ Thursday, 6 p.m.

Ages 3 – 5
Fee: $40/Session
Location: Gregg/ Klice

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