Page 9 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 9

Asset                                 Needs                          IMPLEMENTATION

        Inventory                             Assessment                         •   Strategic Action Plan
                                                                                    Staff Review
          •   Park/Facility Inventory          •   LOS Analysis                  •   Park Board Review
          •   Partner Inventory                •   Rec Trend Analysis            •   Park Board Approval
          •   Alternative Provider Inventory   •   Benchmarking
                                               •   Financial Analysis

               February 2022                               May 2022                                      April 2024

        •   Departmental Staff Survey
        •   Spring Open Houses (3)
        •   Virtual Open Houses (2)

              indoor facilities. Exclusions from this scope were   diagram illustrates these work phases and their
              parkways, boulevards, golf courses, or aquatic    respective execution timelines.
              facilities. Subsequently, the process involved
              a needs assessment phase where the team
              analyzed the park’s level of service, recreation
              and leisure trends, benchmarking, and finances.
              After completing these phases, a draft of the
              strategic action plan was submitted for review by
              staff and subsequently by the Board of Parks and
              Recreation Commissioners. An accompanying

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