Page 13 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 13

recommended, along with pursuing
                                                                    revised target miles as outlined in the new
                                                                •  Implementation of a dedicated fund for
                                                                    trail maintenance and replacement is
                                                                •  KCMO boasts a larger park system than
                                                                    its peers, evident in metrics like park
                                                                    acreage per resident and total park count.
                                                                •  The Department heavily depends on
                                                                    park sales tax for covering its operating


                                                                This park master plan reaffirms the current
                                                                department mission statement:

                                                                “To improve the quality of life, health, and
                                                                wellness of our community by providing socially
                                                                equitable, community-driven programming
                                                                and environmentally sound natural resource

                                                                The four pillars of the department which
                                                                collectively serve to achieve the above mission
              Needs Assessment
                                                                1.  Social equity
                                                                2.  Health and wellness
              The system needs assessment included              3.  Conservation
              conducting a recreation and leisure trend         4.  Organizational stability
              analysis, park level of service analysis, community
              benchmark analysis, and financial analysis. The   Based upon the findings learned during this
              findings of this examination were:                process and detailed in this report, the consultant
                                                                team has revised the objectives and strategies
              •  In 2022, the five most popular activities      to serve these pillars and guide the department
                 in Kansas City included exercise walking,      for the next 10 years. Those objectives are listed
                 exercise with equipment, hiking, aerobic       on the following page. A broader discussion of
                 exercise, and swimming.                        the objectives and their strategies is found in the
              •  Kansas City’s park system generally            Implementation chapter.
                 meets or surpasses level of service
                 standards for agencies of comparable
                 size, with the notable exception of trail
              •  An update of the Trails KC Plan is

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