Page 11 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 11

70%                        % of residents who

                                    rate condition of
                                    parks as “good” to
         70%  “excellent”

                                    % of residents
                                    somewhat to very
         57 57%                     satisfied with the value
                                    they get from the parks
                                    and rec department

         68%                          % of residents
                                      indicated they  would
                                      support a raise in the
                                      1/2-cent parks sales
                                      to either 3/4 or 1-cent

              Community Engagement

              The engagement strategy for this master
              plan included 10 separate in-person events
              across the city, a custom website, a 10-month
              virtual engagement campaign, a staff survey, a        recreation, but 50% also use neighboring
              statistically valid community survey, and monthly     cities
              meetings with a steering committee of municipal   •  68% of residents indicated they would
              staff.  That process yielded the following trends:    support raising the current 1/2-cent parks
                                                                    sales tax to either 3/4 or a full cent
              •  Department staff have a job satisfaction       •  Residents prefer extra funding go towards
                 rating of 6.8 out of 10 and cite low staffing      maintaining existing assets before any
                 as the top challenge to their job                  new development or acquisition
              •  Staff prefer that the department focus on      •  Resident priorities for park investment
                 neighborhood parks and youth programs              are for walking trails, restrooms, and
                 in the next 10 years and invest funding            nature preserves
                 towards maintaining and fixing existing        •  Resident priorities for recreation
                 assets                                             investment are for adult health and
              •  70% of residents rate the condition of             wellness, history and culture, adult
                 parks as good to excellent                         exercise, and senior activities
              •  72% of residents use KCMO for parks and

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