Page 12 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 12

Asset Inventory                                   •  Community centers, as a rule, benefit
                                                                    from their strong durable exterior and
              The consultant team worked over a 4-month             interior materials but suffer from leaking
              period to personally visit, inventory, and assess     roofs and need to find ways to bring more
              all 221 parks, greenways and athletic complexes,      users into their doors.
              as well as 21 indoor facilities owned by the      •  Buildings that have an active usership
              department.  Additionally, we conducted a review      thrive while those that lie in vacancy
              of existing partnerships with outside agencies        decline.
              and the landscape of alternative providers in the   •  Partnerships are strong in youth sports in
              KC metro region.  Those findings include:             the far north and far south, but less so in
                                                                    the center.
              •  Parks, greenways, and athletic complexes       •  The alternative providers of recreation
                 achieved an average composite score of             and open space that pose the greatest
                 65.2 out of 100.                                   competition to the Department are
              •  Parks scored lowest in the criterion of            adjacent cities.
              •  On a City Council District Basis, District
                 #2 scored the lowest at a 61.2 and District
                 #6 scored the highest at a 71.1.  This
                 master plan references the current (post-
                 August 2023) council district boundaries.
              •  The 21 indoor facilities that the team
                 visited  achieved an average composite
                 score of  68.7 out of 100.

                                                               65.2                         park composite score

                                                                                            out of 100

                                                               68.7                        facility composite

                                                                                           score out of 100

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