Page 16 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
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        & OPEN SPACE


                                                                             Figure 2.1: The previous plans being reviewed
                                                                           impacting the  Parks and Recreation community
              In developing a profile of the existing community,
              the consultant team reviewed relevant existing     Plan Name                                  Date
              planning efforts for Kansas City, Missouri parks   FOCUS Comprehensive Plan                   1997
              and recreation. This exercise aimed to identify    Brush Creek Corridor Plan                  1998
              similar trends and commonalities across
              documents from the past 20 years impacting         KC Stream Asset Inventory                  2003
              the parks and recreation network. Figure 2.1 on    KC Walkability Plan                        2003
              the right enumerates all the plans considered by   Trails KC Plan                             2008
              the team. Given the multifaceted impact of parks   KC Blueprint for Violence Prevention       2013
              and recreation on the community, it was essential   KCMO Parks & Rec Master Plan Update       2015
              to examine plans from various disciplines and
              community aspects such as transportation,          Smart Moves 3.0                            2017
              public health, public safety, and environmental    KCMO Urban Forest Master Plan              2018
              sustainability, in addition to previous departmental   KCMO Parks & Rec Sustainability Plan   2019
              documents. This report section summarizes          Bike KC Master Plan                        2019
              the team’s findings from these plans and their     Blue River Action Plan                     2020
              implications for the direction of parks and
              recreation in the city over the next decade.       KCMO Parks & Rec Strategic Business Plan 2020
                                                                 Regional Climate Action Plan               2021

                                                                 Imagine Downtown KC                        2021
              PARKS                                              KC Physical Activity Plan                  2021
                                                                 Regional Climate Action Plan
                                                                 Imagine Downtown KC                        2021
              A great place to start in this plan review is on
              the topic of parks.  One thing that has become     KC Physical Activity Plan                  2021
              a trend in the realm of park resource planning is   KCMO Park Score Index                     2022

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