Page 19 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
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According to the 2008 Trails KC Master Plan,
             THE 2015 MASTER
             THE    20  15   MA  S TER                          65% of Kansas City adults are either overweight
             PLAN SOUGHT TO
             PL  AN    SOUGHT        T O                        or obese.  And according to the 2021 KC Physical
                                                                Activity Plan, only 43% of Kansas City youth
             CRE    A TE   A  27 0 -                            were achieving the recommended daily levels of
             CREATE A 270-
             MILE TRAIL
             MILE     TR AIL                                    physical activity.  Parks and trails have the ability
             NETWORK                                            to improve those metrics and save lives in the

                                                                Plans across disciplines have advocated for
                                                                increased equity in the park system for more
                                                                than a decade.  The 2008 Trails KC Plan noted
                                                                how trails provide greater access to parks and
                                                                other amenities for the third of the population
                                                                that cannot drive.  The 2015 Master Plan Update
              That same plan, as well as the 2018 Urban Forest   advocated for partnering with local not-for-profits
              Plan and the 2021 Regional Climate Action Plan,   to provide more community gardens and access
              emphasized how green infrastructure lowers        to healthy food.  Other plans like the KC Blueprint
              the energy costs for businesses and residents in   for Violence Prevention have called on city
              the city by providing shade and reducing urban    departments like parks and recreation to practice
              temperatures.  The Urban Forest Plan, as well     inclusive hiring standards, and promote inclusive
              as the KC Blueprint for Violence Prevention,      design creating safe parks and open spaces.
              also cited the economic and social benefits to    Plans have advocated for the department to
              neighborhoods when park departments hire local    increase transparency of their board meetings
              staff to mange their parkland.                    and decision making processes.  The call for
                                                                equal access to park and open space for all
              PUBLIC HEALTH                                     neighborhoods has been mentioned consistently
                                                                in multiple city planning documents.  The 2020
              The idea of parks as a form of public health      Strategic Business Plan made equity one of
              infrastructure has been rediscovered in the       the four pillars of the department solidifying
              United States, particularly in the wake of the    this concept as central to the mission of the
              COVID-19 pandemic.  This understanding is         department.
              evident in recent local planning efforts.  The 2013
              KC Blueprint advocated for parks because of       TAKEAWAYS
              their power to shape child development and
              establish  foundation of healthy growth and       The legacy of planning efforts over the last 20
              learning.  The mental health benefits from parks   years demonstrates how many different ways
              and trees were cited in the 2018 Urban Forest     Kansas City has come to value their park and
              Plan as ways to increase community resilience in   recreation system.  These documents make
              the face of adversity.  Multiple plans also called for   many recommendations for the constituent parts
              the department to develop stronger relationships   of this system (parks, facilities, and trails). Perhaps
              with the schools and other not-for-profit         even more important for today are the larger ideas
              agencies like the Health Forward Foundation to    about how parks can improve the sustainability,
              promote more activities for youth in park spaces.    economy, wellness, and equity of this city.

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