Page 21 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 21

is intended to establish a long-range vision for   to parking, adjacent park amenities, impact to
              development and programming along the Lower       surrounding habitat, among other factors. The
              Brush Creek corridor. As part of this Master Plan,   final deliverables from the study will be schematic
              the project team is collecting feedback from local   civil site design of up to 3 trailheads that could be
              stakeholders and public participants to better    implemented by the department.
              understand how improvements to the Lower
              Brush Creek corridor could enhance safety,
              resource sustainability, and quality of life for local   AQUATICS MASTER PLAN
              residents.  The master plan will lay the foundation
              for future improvements that will benefit all those   KCMO operates 27 aquatic facilities.  That system
              who live, work, and play in the area.             has experienced various challenges over time,
                                                                including but not limited to low cost recovery
              BRUSH CREEK CULTURAL                              and low utilization at the facilities. This planning
                                                                effort has been initiated to better understand the
              HERITAGE TRAIL                                    challenges and needs for aquatics in the city.
                                                                The  City’s hired consultant team is assessing
              The Department is presently overseeing design     current conditions and operating performance,
              for the Brush Creek Cultural Heritage Corridor    evaluating  current and future needs, gathering
              Trail.  This trail is envisioned to be a series of   public input, and developing options and costs to
              interconnected nodes that tell the story of       address identified needs.  Public engagement has
              the American Civil Rights Movement and the        included a combination of in-person meetings,
              Black experience in Kansas City through art       focus group meetings, stakeholder phone calls,
              installations.  Artwork will be a key component   online surveys, and a project website.
              to convey this important historical record.
              Interpretative materials at the nodes will be
              designed and installed to help provide further
              education.  The project team has hosted public
              meetings, given presentations and distributed info
              at events throughout the community, partnered
              with the KC Library on an event, distributed a call
              for Artists, engaged a steering committee and


              Another trail driven design project currently
              underway is the Northland Trailhead Study.  The
              department has engaged a consultant team
              to analyze 14 different potential trailhead sites
              along different stretches of 8 existing and partially
              developed trail corridors north of the river.  The
              team conducted both in-person and virtual
              engagement to listen to local resident’s feedback
              regarding trail access.  Trailhead sites were
              evaluated using a matrix that considered access

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